How much will Unfinished cost?

Total project and construction costs are expected to be $2.9 million.

What will The Neighborhood Community Center be used for?

We will offer classes, resources, and relationships to the Houston Community. From mentoring to after-school programs and more, The Neighborhood Community Center will be a place where relationships are forged and our community is transformed.

Why are we not building the community center on our campus?

We have invested 16 years in our partnership with Houston School and we hope that this continues for many more! By placing the community center in the Houston neighborhood we are literally cementing our partnership and connecting the two communities indefinitely. In addition, the center will be within walking distance for our Houston friends and by going to them, instead of asking them to come to us, we are making a visible statement to the neighborhood that we are FOR them.

What’s the goal behind renovating Room One?

At Neighborhood, community is the center of our life. The Commons is a new space we’re creating to share with our city. By renovating existing space with others in mind, our campus will grow in its capacity to show hospitality and friendship. The renovation will also include a new Cafe, communal space, and outdoor seating. As we continue to host more local events and organizations, we want to share as much ground as possible.

If there’s a cafe located in Room 1, will it exclude the use of other adult classes and workshops?

Not at all. In addition to the Cafe location, The Commons is also a place where community and discipleship will thrive. By creating more space for small groups, classes, labs, and workshops—we create a space for everyone to go, regardless of their story or background.

What will the new outdoor seating area be used for?

Sunday morning gathering, parties, eventsand more!

What will we use the existing Cafe for once The Commons is built?

The current cafe will be turned into an indoor Next Lounge, Guest Services Hub and a small group space.

What will happen with the money allocated for campus and tech upgrades?

We have plans to make significant upgrades to our video projection technology while simultaneously retrofitting our power systems to adapt to current needs. Additionally, we will update campus furniture and create a new volunteer hub in the kid’s area.

Why will some of the campaign funds go to debt paydown?

By reducing our current 1.6 million dollar debt, we can better equip ourselves to reach people more effectively. This debt paydown will free up thousands of dollars in interest and gain ministry dollars. We want to leverage every resource while remaining good stewards of our assets.

Will we wait 3 years until we have all the cash on hand or complete the projects right away?

We would like to build as soon as possible. Construction of The Commons (Room One) will most likely start in late Summer and last 3-4 months. Some of our other projects will begin right away including the tech upgrades. A short-term loan might be a necessity depending on the timeline of the projects and pledge receipts.

When will people give to the Unfinished campaign?

March 26, 2023, is an important date. On that day, a one-time Unfinished offering will take place. It’s also Commitment Sunday when individuals and families will make pledges to be paid monthly over a three-year period.

Why are we asking for pledges?

It all goes back to planning. Pledging helps us know if we have enough money in the months ahead to move forward. This is based on a principle Jesus taught in Luke 14:28:  “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won't you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?” Your pledge will help us implement the principle Jesus spoke about in Luke 14:28.

How do I go about deciding how much to give above my regular giving?

The best way to know is through prayer and planning.  2 Corinthians 9:7 says, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

Resources will be made available to help you and your family discern and plan how generous you can be.  Above all, we want you to be excited about what you are able to give regardless of the amount. 

What if I can’t follow through on my pledge? After I make a pledge, can I change my amount?

None of us know what’s in the future.  You may be blessed financially beyond your imagination and be able to increase your pledge.  Or you may be taken through trials that challenge your resources and have to lower or cancel your pledge.  Our hope is that you can remain faithful with your pledge but we also understand challenging circumstances can change your commitment.

Is a pledge amount in addition to regular giving to Neighborhood Church?

Yes.  Your regular Giving to the Mission supports the general operation of Neighborhood Church while your Unfinished pledge fulfillment goes directly to the project and construction costs.

Is a pledge amount total for the whole campaign or is it per year?

A pledge amount total is for the entire campaign.

Are there additional ways besides cash that I can give more towards Unfinished?

As you consider how God is leading you to give, don’t overlook stored assets that you own. Gifts of appreciated property (stocks, real estate, mutual funds, collectibles, etc) often make great gifts with significant tax advantages. Please contact Kelly Thomas, our Executive Pastor, at if you would like to explore this option. 

I have more questions. Who can I contact?

Contact Kelly Thomas, our Executive Pastor, at